Our labelers are highly trained. Our quality control process is carefully designed to ensure all labels are high quality.
We are experienced in all kinds of labeling tasks on images, videos, times series and textual data.
We can deliver labeled data in any format you want.
We deliver labeled data on time for projects of all sizes, thanks to our nimble and elastic workforce.
Most of our earnings are passed on to our labelers, who all have a path to become shareholders. We are proud that 90% of our team are women.
We care about your data security and privacy. You have complete control of how and when your data is accessed.
We take on projects of all durations and sizes. No long term commitment required. Our customers stay because they're happy, not because they're bound.
We use the right tool for the job, whether it's open source or built in-house. You can also bring your own tools, our labelers are experienced and adapt fast!
No vendor lock-in as there's no APIs to call. You give us data, we'll give you back high quality labels. Period.